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About the Girl Behind the Blog

My name is Soriyya Bawa and I’m a mom of two crazy kids. I’m also a chauffeur, cleaner, entertainer, chef, ouchie fixer, wife, sister, daughter, writer, content manager, trashy TV junkie, and everything in between. This blog started as a means of survival in the madness of a new world, otherwise known as the COVID-19 pandemic. Between juggling two kids under four, a full house, social distancing, and then a new full-time job, the one thing that brought me comfort was connecting with my mom friends, the ladies who were going through similar struggles and experiences. Sharing and learning from them made me feel like I wasn’t alone.

I wanted to be able to pass that feeling of community on to other moms. Since writing has always been a personal (and professional) passion, I figured it was the perfect time for my two worlds to collide—and so Mom Life, Etc. was born!

Listen, mom life is HARD. The emotional roller coasters, the physical struggles, the mental beatdown, not to mention having to raise tiny humans in this strange new reality—no one’s got it figured out. Mom Life, Etc. is just one way of bringing women together to help make it just a bit easier. I hope you enjoy my tiny corner of the Internet here and that you get as much out of it as I do from creating it.

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